Creating A Seasonal Wardrobe

by Chelsea Smith 1 Comment

Creating A Seasonal Wardrobe

Wardrobes can easily become out of control and unorganised. Most of us would say that our wardrobe is too small for our vast and ever growing collection and it’s impossible to find what you're looking for.

A seasonal wardrobe is one of the easiest ways to create a functional space with minimal fuss. 

Seasonal wardrobes allow you to find what you need at a glance and categories your items into occasions, activities and types.

The Organising Platform Before and After Wardrobe

Transformation by The Organising Platform

The easiest way to transition to a seasonal wardrobe is to understand your wardrobe space. Know what you’re working with and its limitations. Secondly find a place to store your off season clothes and discover how best to store them.

I love using oversized boxes (ideally with a lid) at the top of my wardrobe to store my off season items. This way your pieces are protected from dust, and they're not taking up prime realestate in your wardrobe.


Chelsea Smith The Organising Platform


You could also consider vacuum seal bags, not only are they cost effective and reusable but they actually allow you to create space in areas that often aren’t good for storing largely, bulky items. 

Similar to organising a pantry or linen press the first step is to take everything out and give it a good clean. The beauty of a seasonal wardrobe is you declutter at each change of season allowing you to stay ahead of the game. I recommend using the 4 box method of KEEP, SELL, DONATE, THROW.


The Organising Platform KEEP SELL DONATE THROW


When looking at what items to place into the donate pile think here's a few things to think about:

  1. Have you worn this piece in the last 6 months?
  2. Does this item make you feel good when you wear it?

It’s important to donate anything that no longer serves you, Is there a top that doesn't make you feel fabulous, a dress that just isn't your colour? Anything that no longer serves us needs to go!

The Organising Platform Before and After

Transformation by The Organising Platform

Now, you should have lessened your work load, as all you have to do now is focus on the pile of items you plan to KEEP!

Start by sorting these clothes into the current season and off season. 

Do be aware that there will undoubtably be a selection of pieces that are transeasonal and will remain in your wardrobe all year round. These are usually items such as t-shirts, light knits or long sleeve tops. 

Seasonal wardrobes are such a refreshing way to fall back in love with your collection, not only can you find everything you need at a glance all year round but at the change of each season it feels like you’ve got a new wardrobe! What not to love about that?

The secret benefit is you actually save money by only purchasing the essentials you need for each season, allowing you to pinpoint key pieces you would love to update.

Some of my favourite tips for creating a killer seasonal wardrobe are:

  1. Group clothing like with like on style but also colour palettes
  2. Invest in matching hangers. You will be surprised at how much of visual impact this can make to your space
  3. Create extra storage using wire baskets and tubs on open shelving
  4. Adopt a vertical fold so that you can see everything at a glance - find out how HERE 
  5. Label all sections off your wardrobe you will not only know where to find what you're looking for, though you will know where to return it 

The Organising Platform Before and After Wardrobe

Transformation by The Organising Platform

There really is no better time to start your seasonal wardrobe journey. We would love to see before and after photos of your seasonal wardrobe make sure you hashtag #TeamTOP so we can have a peak!


I'd love to hear from you, what are your greatest organising and decluttering challenges? Leave me a comment below or reach out via email 

Chelsea Smith
Chelsea Smith


​Chelsea Smith Founder, The Organising Platform Phone: +61401346565 | Email: Website:

1 Response


February 27, 2025

Amazing post, Looking for more similar kind of posts

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