A Little Bit More About Me

by Chelsea Smith

A Little Bit More About Me

My name is Chelsea Smith and I wouldn’t say that I had an addiction to shopping (my husband may disagree) although I found myself continuously cramming my home with clothing, nick knacks and homewares that I had brought on impulse. There was a sense of guilt when I looked around at the belongings that filled my home, and consequently my life.

I felt I needed a monumental change. Not solely in terms of decluttering, although with a new baby on the way and a house bursting at the seams, decluttering was certainly called for. But I also knew that I needed a life change.

I had been immersed in the corporate world for a number of years. And while I had a level of respect and appreciation for the job and my company, I lacked that essential fulfilment that we all crave. Did I see myself there forever: no. Was I satisfied as far as what the job meant to me and ultimately gave me: no. Once I became a mum, I sought a greater meaning and role. It was at this time, during maternity leave, that I finally decided to make that substantial change and pursue the life I was meant to live.

First and foremost, my husband and I decided to relocate from Sydney’s inner city to the beautiful Sutherland Shire. We wanted a yard for our son and to be closer to the ocean. We knew that even though we’d essentially be downsizingfrom our large apartment, we were doing the right thing for our family and for the health and happiness of our lives. Though I must admit, the change scared me at first – what was I going to do with all the things I had accumulated over the years?

Deep down, I knew I always wanted to live a simpler life, less possessions, less social commitments and less multi-tasking. Life was busier than it needed to be. I yearned for an existence defined by what was truly important, my family, friends, love and happiness.

The Organising Platform Chelsea Smith

I asked myself... How could I use this effectively to help others

Organising and simplifying (particularly since my son’s birth) has become a way of life for me. I’ve consequently learnt to let go of the collectibles and stop giving in to the large homeware sales.

I streamlined my life, our life. This is how I have come to help other families.

I learnt that things no longer owned me but were simply possessions that I could let go of once they no longer served a purpose. It has been a journey to gain a greater understanding of what was actually important and to suppress the role of physical belongings.

I began The Organising Platform with a very simple mission in mind: to convey my own journey of self-discovery and renewal to others. It is not just about organisation and decluttering, but rather, it is about understanding the bigger picture, finding peace within your life and your home. Subsequently, it is getting motivated to make the essential change especially if you feel stuck or stagnant in your current situation.

In the long run, I discovered what brings me comfort and makes me feel as ease in my own home. This is how I guide my clients, by starting with a clear vision of the life they intend to lead and setting goals accordingly. In turn, this allows you to spend more time doing what is most meaningful to YOU.

The lessons and experiences I’ve encountered have shaped me and led me here today. Now I want to share this journey and my knowledge with you.

I want to offer my clients more than just a decluttering service.

My personal journey is a big part of my story as they underpin not only who I am, but how The Organising Platform came to be.

I like to think of this blog as a place to share inspiration, mindset and tips and tricks that i've learn along the way.

Thank you for joining me.


Get in touch

I'd love to hear from you, what are your greatest organising and decluttering challenges? Leave me a comment below or reach out via email chelsea@theorganisingplatform.com 

Chelsea Smith
Chelsea Smith


​Chelsea Smith Founder, The Organising Platform Phone: +61401346565 | Email: Chelsea@theorganisingplatform.com Website: www.TheOrganisingPlatform.com

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